Class X


Personal Identity materi kelas X

Personal Identity


Personal identity is the concept you develop about yourself that evolves over the course of your life. This may include aspects of your life that you have no control over, such as where you grew up or the color of your skin, as well as choices you make in life, such as how you spend your time and what you believe. You demonstrate portions of your personal identity outwardly through what you wear and how you interact with other people. You may also keep some elements of your personal identity to yourself, even when these parts of yourself are very important.

Have you ever struggled with the question, 'Who am I?' or thought about who you might become in the future? These questions have been thought about and discussed throughout history, in particular by philosophers who have immersed themselves in the search for knowledge about the nature of being human. Such questions as, 'What does it mean to be a person?' and 'Do I matter?' have engaged key thinkers and created conversations that we still grapple with in our society. Most people feel they want to endure in some way, both in their lives and beyond death. The philosophy of personal identity aims to address these matters of existence and how we even know we exist through time.


Subject and Object Pronoun

Subject pronouns

The English subject pronouns are: I, you, he, she, it, we they. (Of course, we use 'you' when we're talking to one person and when we're talking to more than one person.)

1: We use these pronouns when they are the subject of a verb.

  • I like London.

  • You have eaten the chocolate.

  • He plays football.

  • She hates mushrooms.

  • It was cold.

  • We are French.

  • They are going home.

Object Pronouns

In English, we also have object pronouns. These are: me, you, him, her, it, us, them. (Notice that 'it' and 'you' are the same when they're subject pronouns or object pronouns.)

We use the object pronouns in most situations when the pronoun is not the subject of a verb.

1: We use them for the object of a verb.

  • John knows me.

  • Amanda kissed you.

  • The dog licked him.

  • David hugged her.

  • The teacher dropped it.

  • The children love us.

  • Luke helped them.

2: We use them after a preposition (including after phrasal verbs).

  • It's important to me.

  • Can the children come with you?

  • Look at her!

  • The chocolate is for him.

  • David is looking forward to it.

  • Keep up with us!

  • Lucy works for them.


Possessive Objective and Possessive Pronoun

Possessive adjectives: my, your, his/her/its, our, your, their (these are adjectives and functions as possessive adjectives. They have been included in the list because they are normally grouped together with subject, object and possessive pronouns. Remember that all adjectives qualify or modify nouns.

  • I do really enjoy spending my time with you.

  • Your birthday is coming up, what would you like?

  • His name is Jack.

  • Her favourite thing to do is ride horses.

  • We had fun with the play station, its graphics were amazing. (Avoid making the error of confusing the possessive adjective ‘its’ with ‘it’s’ with a comma, this is very much incorrect).

  • Our favourite past-time includes going for nice, long walks.

  • Your (plural) ways about doing things haven’t been the most productive.

  • We love the Beatles. Their music is outstanding, really is.

Words highlighted in red indicate nouns. The nouns are being qualified or modified by the possessive adjectives.

Possessive pronouns: mine, yours, his/hers, ours, yours, theirs

  • This is my car and it’s mine, nobody else’s.

  • Is this sweet-apple-pie yours, Dorothy?

  • Are those keys his or Jeremy’s? (‘his‘ is the possessive pronoun referring to the other person, say for example ‘Jessica’ Thus if you substituted ‘his‘ for the noun ‘Jessica’ then you would have to say ‘Jessica’s’ in reference to the keys. (‘s) is the possessive form. Note if the noun were possessive or ends in ‘s’ you must use the (s’) form instead, to denote plurality)

  • Are those new bikes the clubs’? No, they’re hers. *note the (s’) as cited above.

  • Don’t touch our painting! It is ours!

  • Congratulations! The job is yours! You begin on Monday.

  • Do you admire their work? Of course, I really admire theirs.



expressing congratulations:

1. When someone gets engaged

Contoh: Best wishes on your engagement!

2. When someone gets married

Contoh: Congratulation on your marriage. Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness.

3. When someone gets a job promotion

Contoh: Congratulation on your job promotion. You deserve it!

4. When someone gets a new job

Contoh: You got the job! Well done!

5. When someone has a new baby

Contoh: Congratulation on your baby. I'm so happy for you!


Kita mengucapkan selamat atau congratulate someone, ketika seseorang sedang merayakan hari besar, atau suatu kejadian yang baik sedang dialami orang tersebut.

Beberapa contoh ungkapan yang bisa digunakan:

  • Congratulation on…

  • I must congratulate you on…

  • Let me congratulate you..

  • Please accept my warmest congratulations…

  • I’d like to congratulate you on…

  • Well done, bro!

  • Nice one,…

  • You’re fantastic!

  • It was great to hear about…



Expressions of Complementing

Complementing ialah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memuji atau mengapresiasi seseorang, yang harapannya orang tersebut akan mempertahankan prestasinya atau tetap semangat dalam belajar. Kapan kita memberikan apresiasi?

  • Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, ketika seseorang memberikan atau melakukan yang terbaik

  • Ketika kamu mengetahui penampilan baru temanmu

  • Ketika kamu mengunjungi rumah temanmu untuk pertama kali.

  • Dan masih banyak yang lainnya.

Ada beberapa ungkapan yang bisa teman-teman gunakan ketika ingin memberikan apresiasi dan diantaranya ialah sebagai berikut:

  1. Rumus Expressing Admiration Dengan Kata ‘What’

“What + a / an + Adjective + Noun”

Contoh Kalimatnya:

1. What a beautiful flower! Sungguh bunga yang cantik!

2. What an adorable boy! Sungguh anak yang menarik!

Rumus Expressing Admiration Dengan kata ‘How’

“How + Adjective + Complement”

Contoh Kalimatnya:

1. How smart he is! Betapa pintarnya dia!

2. How pretty is she! Betapa cantiknya dia!

Descriptive Text .pptx


Pengertian Descriptive Text

Pada dasarnya penjelasan descriptive text adalah teks yang bertujuan menjelaskan, menggambarkan, atau mendeskripsikan sesuatu. Sesuatu ini bentuknya bisa berupa apa saja, baik itu hewan, benda, lokasi, dan lain sebagainya.

Biasanya descriptive text ditandai dengan penggunaan easy tense dan fokus pada satu objek secara spesifik. Objek tersebut kemudian dibahas kembali secara lebih detail dalam teks deskriptif tersebut. Lalu apa bedanya dengan recount text?

Sekilas kamu akan melihat contoh recount text, yang kemudian menceritakan kembali kisah yang terjadi di masa lampau, dengan penggunaan easy past. Sementara descriptive text menggambarkan suatu hal secara lebih detail. Descriptive text juga dapat berarti:

  1. Text deskriptif memberikan informasi tentang bagaimana sesuatu atau seseorang terlihat, text ini menggunakan kata-kata untuk menggambarkan sesuatu atau seseorang seperti apa.

  2. Text deskriptif juga memberikan fakta-fakta tentang bagaimana Bahasa Indonesia benar-benar digunakan sesuai dengan aturan serta bagaimana seharusnya text ini digunakan.

Contoh Kalimat Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text Tentang Tempat

The bedroom is my favorite room. The wall color is blue, which is my favorite color. it’s one snug bed that faces the window. Every morning, the sun shines through my window and wakes me up.

I put my table for study and do my prep at the corner. Beside that table, there is a massive wardrobe wherever I place all of my garments.

My father created the wardrobe on behalf of me as my birthday present. On the left aspect of the table, there’s a shelf wherever I place all of my favorite books. On the table, there’s a lamp, laptop, stationery, and notebook. although my room is tiny and straightforward, I notice it is terribly cozy.

Kamar tidur adalah tempat favorit saya. Warna temboknya berwarna biru, warna favorit saya. Kamar ini dilengkapi dengan satu ranjang nyaman yang menghadap langsung ke arah jendela. Setiap pagi, sinar matahari masuk melalui celah-celah jendela dan membangunkan saya.

Saya menempatkan meja di sudut ruangan sebagai tempat saya belajar dan mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah. Di samping meja itu terdapat sebuah lemari pakaian besar tempat saya meletakan seluruh pakaian saya.

Saya mendapatkan lemari ini dari hadiah ulang tahun. Pada sebelah kiri meja, rak buku saya gunakan untuk meletakkan berbagai buku favorit saya. Sementara di atas meja, terdapat lampu meja, laptop, alat tulis, dan buku catatan. Walaupun kamar saya kecil dan sederhana, saya merasa kamar saya sangat nyaman.

Descriptive Text Tentang Hewan Peliharaan

On my seventeen birthday, my dad gave me a kitten. One thing that I wanted for a long time ago. I named her Kelly. My dad adopted her from a shelter. Once she received my house, she was fragile and little as a bottle. But now, she has full-grown to be a white lovely cat. She chows and exercises well. Her fur grows thick and soft. Kelly may be a charming cat and we’ll continuously watch out for her.

Menginjak umur yang ke-17, saya mendapatkan seekor anak kucing yang sudah saya inginkan sejak lama. Saya kemudian menamainya Kelly. Ketika kucing lucu ini tiba di rumah, ia begitu rapuh dan mungil. Meski kini telah tumbuh menjadi kucing putih yang cantik, sebab ia makan dengan lahap dan sering bermain. Bulunya tebal dan lembut, kucing saya sangat lucu dan menawan. Kami akan selalu merawatnya.